F20, F20-T系列的打包

Instructions on how to fold and then pack F20 and F20-T series bikes into specially made bike-carry-bag.

1) 攜車袋可放在座墊弓, 而固定在 seat post. 當然也可架在手把上.
Carry-bag can be placed under the saddle and secured on the seat post. It can also be placed on the handlebar.
F20 packing instruction 01

2) 先折手把, 最好用原裝固定帶固定.
First fold the handle-bar, it’s best to secure with original secure strap.
F20 packing instruction 02

3) seat post 一定要拔出(千萬不要強插, 易傷).
Seat post must be removed – please don’t push down – can scratch the post.
F20 packing instruction 03

4) 用保護片紮在前叉後, 外折.(踏板可不拆下).
Secure the protective piece on the front fork then fold the frame (it’s not necessary to remove the pedals).
F20 packing instructions 04

5) 攜車袋打開.
Open the carry-bag.
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6) seat post 先固定在底.
First secure the seat post at the bottom of the bag.
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7) 用固定帶將前後輪固定.
Strap the front and rear wheel together.
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8) 中支架放在墊上.
Place the mid-body-stand on the padding.
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9) 更清楚
Another view.
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10) 封口前先把袋口往上抓. 左斜背, 右手抓.
Pull up the 2 sides of the bag then zip close. Wear the sling strap on the left, grab loop with right hand.
F20 packing instructions 10

Good to go!