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Hi HENRY, starting test:

Translation: Array
    [0] => # >The directives (lines) between "BEGIN HENRY" and "END HENRY" are
    [1] => # >dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters.
    [2] => # >Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten.

This is something before the gallery. Hello, hello.

This is something AFTER the gallery. Hello, hello!

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a young boy named Alex who had an insatiable curiosity for digging. From a very young age, he was fascinated by the idea of uncovering hidden treasures beneath the earth. Every weekend, Alex would eagerly grab his shovel and head to the nearby fields or his own backyard, eager to unearth something remarkable.

His parents were initially bemused by his unusual hobby, but they soon realized that Alex’s passion for digging was more than just a passing phase. As the years went by, he became known as the town’s resident explorer, always unearthing interesting artifacts and curious objects.

One summer, while digging in his backyard, Alex stumbled upon an ancient map that hinted at a long-lost treasure buried somewhere in the town. Excited by the discovery, he embarked on a thrilling adventure, digging deeper and deeper in search of the fabled treasure. Along the way, he encountered unexpected challenges and made new friends who joined in his quest.

Finally, after many weeks of determined digging, Alex unearthed a chest filled with ancient coins and precious gems. His remarkable discovery not only brought joy to the townspeople but also cemented his reputation as the boy with an extraordinary passion for digging. From that day on, Alex’s love for digging took on a whole new meaning, as he continued to uncover hidden wonders that captivated the imagination of all who knew him.

Simple checkbox

A new test article for media

OK, 123 time to upload some new pictures Some text before an External Link text after Some text before an Internal link and some text after

Test form post


行程簡介:8月2日 台湾ー札幌 (札幌泊) 夜:札幌拉麵8月3日 美瑛/富良野 (富良野泊)8月4日 美瑛/富良野 (富良野泊)8月5日 層雲峡 (層雲峡泊)8月6日 小樽 電車訪問 (札幌泊)  夜:Suntory Beer8月7日 札幌ー台湾 [vfb id=14]

台大流蘇四月雪 騎訪 記

4月5日(六) 上午 台大流蘇四月雪 校長手製…芝麻干果香蕉麵包, 只有幾位口福              大稻程碼頭也有流蘇 老欉可惜未成林 落葉巷….不可打掃美景…贈品一 校園之美…贈品二   醉月湖有一窩紅冠水雞, 育兒生態正精彩, 友善環境不怕生….贈品三(尚10天可賞)   晴也賞曰光浴…龜群…贈品四   謝謝台大校友joe領導, 一群街上騎車的街友, 驚艷台大流蘇行.


號稱,台灣夏威夷…蘭嶼,不同風貌地貌人貌,十全大滿貫之一,非去不可。 蘭嶼具有豐富的美景生態、獨特的達悟族人文氣息、不會迷路的交通路線, 每年春夏之際,島上風和日麗,更是飛魚的季節,是最值得讓您慢騎探索這顆太平洋上的遺世珍珠。 主辦:BSA單車安全協會* KHS單車學校 策劃:校長、楊智旭副理事長 領隊:楊同林副理事長 日期:5/15(四)~5/18(日) 費用:NT10,000元。(BSA會員優待NT9,900元)(三宿八餐車船保險等)(自備KHS小折) 名額:20名(十名成行) 。 詢問:(03)386 8020內線241洪S’ 報名:sian&#1 … 閱讀全文 / Read more →

3.28 間歇訓練 記

間歇訓練的意義 間歇訓練…原意是電影(舞台劇)的中場休息時間。運動生理告訴我們說,訓練過程中<休息>是很重要的。 10秒休息時間,是排除乳酸…供応氧氣。在騎行當中,累的時候,只把腳步放鬆10秒,就可以消除疲勞恢復元氣。 1) 提昇心肺功能…間歇訓練,可以提昇心肺功能。 2) 增強肌力…間歇訓練,可以提昇爆發力及持久力。 3) 增強恢復力。 間歇訓練, 是倍增體力…體內運的正道也是捷徑, 所有運動員必修的鍛練之一。 正磪辣習オ重要                                                                用體重助踩是正課 共同欠.點 … 閱讀全文 / Read more →

號 外!大家來關心…台北市河邊單車道改善。

號 外!大家來關心…台北市河邊單車道改善。 校長、BSA副理事長 楊智旭,接受臺北市政府工務局水利工程處邀請,參加大台北市河邊單車道改善經驗訪談。 臺北廣播電臺 「臺北你當家」節目 播 出時間為:2014.03.31  下 午18:00至19:00 收聽頻道:FM93.1 線上收聽:http://www.radio.taipei.gov.tw/   歡迎…您,來關心參與,記得 CALL IN 哦! 親愛的車友們,空中見! 實地健診….校長(左2) 處長(右3)